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Comment for Industry Filing 23-01

  • From: Jeffrey Perrone

    Comment No: 72195
    Date: 7/21/2023

    Comment Text:

    Gambling on election outcomes is a practice that we should firmly reject. Elections are fundamental pillars of democratic societies, allowing citizens to exercise their right to choose leaders and shape the course of their countries. Allowing gambling on election outcomes poses serious risks to the integrity of our elections and, consequently, our democracy as a whole.

    Elections should be about informed decision-making, thoughtful consideration of candidates' policies, and the opportunity for citizens to express their values and aspirations for the future. By turning elections into a gambling arena, we risk trivializing the importance of these vital democratic events and diverting attention from the issues that truly matter.

    Furthermore, gambling on election outcomes can lead to ethical and integrity concerns, as it creates a powerful financial incentive for special interests to interfere in the electoral process. This may lead to attempts to manipulate and influence the outcomes in favor of their own agendas, undermining the principle of fair and transparent elections.

    If such a proposal were to be permitted, it would likely erode voter confidence in the democratic system. Citizens might perceive that election results are no longer solely determined by their informed choices but are influenced by those with financial stakes in the outcome. This perception could lead to disillusionment, apathy, and a diminished sense of trust in the electoral process.

    Moreover, allowing this proposal would prioritize personal gain over the public interest. Elections are meant to be a platform for citizens to express their collective will, ensuring that policies and leaders align with the needs and aspirations of the people. Allowing gambling on election outcomes risks shifting the focus from civic engagement and the pursuit of the common good to individual financial interests.

    Lastly, permitting betting on election results directly contradicts the foundational principle of "one person, one vote" upon which our democracy stands. Each person's vote should carry equal weight and influence in shaping the future of our nation. Allowing external factors like gambling to sway the outcomes dilutes the essence of democratic decision-making.

    You must reject any proposal that introduces gambling on election results. It threatens to compromise the very fabric of our democratic process, jeopardizing the fairness, transparency, and credibility that are vital for a strong and resilient democracy. You must safeguard the principles of free and fair elections, ensuring that the power remains with the people and not influenced by external financial interests.

    Instead of engaging in speculative betting on election results, we should encourage active participation in the democratic process. This means promoting voter education, fostering public discourse, and supporting measures that enhance electoral integrity. By focusing on strengthening our democratic foundations, we can ensure that elections remain a symbol of hope, progress, and collective empowerment for all citizens.

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