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Comment for Industry Filing 23-01

  • From: Ronald Crane

    Comment No: 71508
    Date: 7/20/2023

    Comment Text:

    The Commission should reject wagering on U.S. elections because it is antithetical to the public interest under 7 USC 7a-2(c)(5)(C)(i).

    As we saw from the events of January 6, 2021 – where a violent mob invaded the Capitol in a nearly-successful coup attempt -- our democratic republic is deeply troubled. Many citizens believe false ideas about our elections. And many others believe that true shortcomings -- such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, the large and growing imbalance in the Electoral College, the role of billionaires and their dark money, and the actions of foreign powers -- are diluting We the People's ability to order our governments.

    Against this background, we should work to amplify correct information and the power of each citizen's vote. Permitting wagering on elections runs counter to these interests.

    Wagering will increase the already-pernicious role of dark (and foreign) money in our elections. Some say that wagering markets can help to predict election outcomes. Maybe they do. And maybe this capability is useful -- or maybe it's pernicious. But what wagering markets also offer is a means to *influence* election outcomes, particularly if many people come to believe that they are accurate predictors.

    This influence can distort participation in elections. For example, an influx of money (maybe from a single billionaire) that makes it seem that a race is not close is likely to reduce turnout, since it seems that each vote is less likely to matter. This effect can thus become self-fulfilling, particularly with the amplifying effects of social media.

    And because any wagering market is effectively international, such markets permit foreign actors (who legally cannot contribute to U.S. candidates or parties) to nonetheless influence our elections' outcomes. That dilutes We the People's rightful powers and is likely to increase cynicism and the spread of harmful conspiracy theories.

    Further, election wagering will create financial incentives for elections officials, voting-equipment vendors, militants, terrorists, and others corruptly to influence elections.

    Remember and heed the words: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect ordain and establish this Constitution….". The Commission's power is rooted entirely in that Constitution, and must therefore be used in a way that upholds its commands, and the principles that underlie them, particularly that our governments are to be of, by and for the People.

    Please reject wagering on U.S. elections.

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