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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Val Cudnoski

    Comment No: 662
    Date: 1/19/2010

    Comment Text:

    Val Cudnoski
    Tuesday, January 19, 2010 3:08 PM
    "Regulation of Retail Forex"
    David Stawick, Secretary
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    1155 21st Street, N.W.,
    Washington, DC 20581
    Dear Sir:
    ID Number RIN 3038-AC61
    I wish to say that I strongly disagree with the present proposal on the table which will reduce leverage in
    the forex market down to 10 to 1.
    The founders of this nation gave the government authority to protect us from enemies and to have a
    court system to bring justice to those who might hurt us individually. The founders did not put in the
    hands of government the authority to try to protect us from ourselves.
    The founding fathers believed it was more important for us to have freedom than protection. No one can
    better protect us from ourselves than ourselves.
    No one values their own wealth nor will be a better steward of protecting and growing that wealth than
    the individual himself. If the government passes regulations to protect the wealth of some, in so doing it
    takes freedom from all. The capitalist, free enterprise system requires freedom. Our country is what it
    is because people were allowed to try and better themselves without the interference of government.
    That is why our country is better than any country in the world or has ever been throughout all of time.
    Every Forex broker warns traders that trading the forex is risky and that they can potentially not only
    lose money but they can lose all the money they have invested. Likewise, if a person has a dream to
    open a business that person also can not only lose money, but they can lose all they have invested.
    Therefore it is on the shoulders
    of investors
    to learn and invest safely and wisely anywhere and any way
    they choose to invest. It is not the responsibility of government agencies to take opportunity away from
    all because some lose money trying to better themselves.
    So, I beg you to cease any further consideration of implementing your proposal to restrict present
    leverage levels down to 10 tol leverage.
    Val Cudnoski
    Lubbock, TX