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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: CY Cywinski
    PDMNet Inc

    Comment No: 636
    Date: 1/19/2010

    Comment Text:

    Cy cywinski
    Tuesday, January 19, 2010 1:53 PM
    RIN 3038-AC61 - STRONGLY disagree!
    Mr. David Stawick,
    I can not find better words to describe my position on all this than those of
    Andrei Pehar, Chief Currency
    Strategist at fxKnight.
    Andrei says: "I am not opposed to regulation nor regulatory agencies. But that regulation needs to be fair,
    transparent, and open to public input. Otherwise it becomes corrupt and self-serving. Sure high leverage
    can get you into trouble if used thoughtlessly. Sure hedging when not done properly turns one loss into two. But
    I believe the cure is EDUCATION, not restricting what people can and cannot do with their investment decisions.
    Guide, don't dominate - government was invented to protect people and their property, not to limit their
    I would appreciate your consideration, as I believe Mr. Pehar's perspective represents those of the professional
    trading community, nationwide.
    Respectfu Ily,
    Business Development
    PDMNet, Inc.
    658 Old Dixie Hwy
    Vero Beach, FL 32926
    772-564-6800 ph
    772-567-8307 fx
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