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Comment for Public Information Collection 81 FR 38689

  • From: Dorian a deyeth
    AFSCME- Advanced property assosiates.

    Comment No: 60830
    Date: 6/14/2016

    Comment Text:

    I use DTCC as a clearinghouse. From time to time they send old documents with cusips that were swapped in the past including a resent proxy with a sec violation for failure to register some oil refinery. I, For one had no idea this was done in my name as these agencys registered with a company that provides LEI cryptic name authentication. The company is GMEI i crossed refereced my full name and a total of 57767 registered company addresses appered. I then tested other names to verify that it was accurate information the other names i input did not bring up the LEI and street adress these company's are on european and elsewhere across the globe. Gimme recently offered my instruments for a sell off but seems they are bitter about the law suite for offering American securitys in a foreign land. I am American by the way i was born and raised in California. I recently have got better feedback from otherwise banks or trusts with terrible customer service the lack of communication is the issue especially because of the volume in sales and earnings across the globe. Shorting the 2008 bubble was a huge mess what is 8 years of my life mean to a bunch of rich bankers and brokers who profit from a certificates series i bought representing 2005 series in 2008 looks like a setup because prior to my injuries sustained from this situation I was the perfect candidate for a worker who lives his hole life working until retirement and never asks a question. Up until I began my investigations and surely reported everything to SEC and Finra IRS CFPA HUD Real estate Authorities the BBB you name it. I have tax implications 1099 int forms and i thiught i dis my taxes perfectly on Turbo Tax well after many assessments, audits, levy wage garnishment and forms filed out in my name without my concent you'll realize how frustrated ive been to the point that i have to stay home for 6 months until we please t this whole mess behind us.

    I honestly feel the comments of other members of the rule makings committee are right about keeping everything that was invested in the past where it is. I would like to ease any negative impact any action ive taken by expressing my issues. I have a charles shuave account i just opened for any money transfer.

    i want the banks, brokerage and investers to invest in the markets have a positive forward mentality. I do want recognition that getting your credit and life ruined for the sake of money isn't fair I do want compensation some big banks offered collaterals for me to either sell or re invest thats fine but im retirering from the market after this thing ends. I want to get all certified Emma Municipal Advisor and A8 help build parts of the LA community. I want to cooperate but we need better communication

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