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Comment for Public Information Collection 81 FR 5105

  • From: Catherine E. Ryan

    Comment No: 60674
    Date: 2/28/2016

    Comment Text:

    February 28, 2016

    The Honorable Timothy G. Massad, Chairman
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20581


    Re: CFTC Commissioners Should Reject Flawed Advisory Committee Report and Move Forward on Position Limit Rule That Will Protect Consumers

    Dear Chairman:
    I sincerely believe that the long-stalled commodities position limit rule being considered by the CFTC should be approved as is by federal commissioners. The EEMAC’s majority report is a flawed and attempting to subvert the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
    It is upsetting to see that certain members of the 9 member committee are attempting to side step the protections the Dodd-Frank Act, put into place to protect the public. When are decent people – not the self-interested – going to be appointed to such committees - the positions created to protect the people?
    Stacking the deck with corporate interest – not Public interest - seems to be the “modus operandi”.
    I find myself disgusted with appointed committees that have no concern for the welfare of the public or of this country.
    I request that the right thing be done for all consumers, not for the self-interested.

    Catherine Ryan
    Monterey, MA 01245
    [email protected]

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