Comment Text:
To whom this may concern,
In regards to Financial Transactions during Stock Market Trading, Variable Interest Rates seem to be vague and/or deceptive contractual agreements due to the unknown factor of Variable Interest Rate changes, which affect the value of the investment. For example, if a company were to be valuated at a certain point with a certain Interest Rate, depending on the market change of that Interest Rate, there would be no real way to determine whether or not that Interest Rate is going to change for better or for worse; thereby, if investment swaps were to occur with these types of Variable Interest Rates occurring and the individuals purchasing these investments or the parties responsible for these investments are left with little to vague contractual understanding of that possible market shift that could depreciate the investment products based on the market shift of the interest rates. In addition, these sorts of swaps and/or variable interest rates also seem to be altering the initial investment, which seems to be possible alleged instances of False Advertising, False Claims, Bait and Switch Marketing, Embezzlement, Fraud, and/or Vague Contracts or Vague Agreements (that are not established Transparently nor could clearly be described during the initiation of said agreements based on the shifting of the interest rates, which are unknown based on the premise of variable interest rates that change when the market changes, and unless one has insider knowledge knowing what the market will change to is something no one should have the ability to know unless there are time machines out there that I am unaware of among other instances of unusual circumstances).
Lucas Ambrezewicz