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Comment for Proposed Rule 79 FR 71973

  • From: Margaret F. Kuchnia
    Human Race

    Comment No: 60132
    Date: 12/30/2014

    Comment Text:

    This is to support your efforts to curb speculation on oil. It is clearly a form of legalized gambling which profits no one but he gamblers. It prohibits the free trade of commodities by favoring those who have amassed large amounts of money or who are able to command such wealth. Why would anyone condone that?

    I am on a fixed income and I was watching my savings fly out the door with every tank of gas I filled , and every grocery bag I buy, the contents of which must be shipped using gas. Please have some mercy on those of us who have worked hard and now have no energy to go out and work again, but must live on what they saved. And also on those who are just starting out who must take whatever work they can, even if they need to travel far.

    We must b ring some compassion and humanitarianism back into our governance. Greed is not the quality in humankind that makes for a decent society.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Sincerely, Margaret Kuchnia

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