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Comment for Proposed Rule 79 FR 71973

  • From: William K. Chisholm

    Comment No: 60116
    Date: 12/30/2014

    Comment Text:

    The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States is very clear about the role and purpose of the Constitution and thus the US government's role in the lives of its citizens. Two of those purposes are I believe particularly relevant to this discussion. They are the notions that it is the purpose of the Constitution to "insure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare". Allowing speculators, who add nothing to the social or economic well being of the country, to adversely impact the rest of the citizenry by driving up the price of a commodity that has become an essential base of fuel for the economy violates those principles. It is unconscionable and I believe in-constitutional to allow such reckless behavior.

    I work hard for my money... I also try to conserve on the amount of all the natural resources I use. Because of the greed of a few, the whole should not suffer.

    I fully support reining in the amount of the market speculators may control and I believe it should be limited to 10%.

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