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Comment for Proposed Rule 78 FR 75680

  • From: David E Cundiff
    Cundiff Oil Company, Inc.

    Comment No: 59616
    Date: 2/10/2014

    Comment Text:

    Whatever measures the CFTC takes to curb price speculation I consider a positive as well as a long overdue "baby step" in the right direction. The CFTC is the only government group that seems to care about these injustices that have been taking place. In our industry, heating oil, diesel, and other distillate end users have been "brutalized" economically so that investment bankers, commodities traders, and speculators can get rich. We've witnessed artificial price spikes for almost 15 years now with a variety of stale, recycled excuses from denuded energy pundits. I'm sure these financial coyotes will simply find another clever way to skirt this measure and increase their personal wealth at the expense of hapless homeowners and businesses. For retail heating oil & diesel to be selling for over a dollar more per gallon than regular gasoline is criminal especially when US suppliers now have so much available that they want to export more of it.

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