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Comment for Proposed Rule 77 FR 41213

  • From: Margaret T. Sacco

    Comment No: 58602
    Date: 8/27/2012

    Comment Text:

    We need criminal prosecutions and very strict regulations of investments. The banks are too big and they need to be broken up. Glass Steagall Law needs to be passed by Congress that is owned by Wall Street. Goldman Sachs was not prosecuted by the Justice Department which indicates that Wall Street owns the government. We need major changes now. Too many investors and institutions have lost their pension funds due to Wall Street fraud. These criminals need to be regulated and brought to justice fined and imprisoned for life with their assets liquidated to pay back investors. Every time there is a Wall Street failure the American public has to pick up the bill. Wall Street should pay not the taxpayers. Investments need to be taxed too. We know that deficit default swaps and derivatives are poop on toilet paper and the public needs to be protected against Wall Street criminals. When a bank fails in China the bankers are shot that is what we have to do. Too many people have lost their savings, pensions, jobs, homes, and futures and Wall Street has walked. Shame on this government and the regulators.
    Regulations have to be stricter and criminals need to be jailed and have their assets liquidated. There Wall Street criminals and their families should be put in work camps to pay back investors.
    Every person that has brains knows that there is another financial crisis coming worse than the September, 2008 one because we have a government that works for the rich and the worthless and not the people. OBalless appointed Geithner, Summers,and a the rats that caused the crisis to solve the problem. No one paid any attention to Booksey or whatever the name of the lady is that kept on warning the government about the dangers of deficit default swaps. She should be president not Romney and Oballess.
    Insider trading should be monitored and aggressively prosecuted. There is too much of it. Martha Stewart went to jail. If all the inside traders were prosecuted we would not have Paul "Devil" Ryan and no one on Wall Street or in the government.
    401Ks should not have to pay investment fees. Many times people do not earn a penny and/ or lose money and they still have to pay these outrageous fees. These rotten pukes make money whether the investor loses or not. Things need to be changed now. We need to institute the reforms that Norway has. Thus, the one per cent does not run Norway. The morons in this country are too concerned with fetuses and listening to Fox lies and the radical right nincompoops to pay attention to what is going on.

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