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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 71626

  • From:

    Comment No: 56886
    Date: 2/16/2012

    Comment Text:

    Bryan Poitras
    17 Ansel Drive
    Waterboro, ME 04087-3066

    February 16, 2012

    David Stawick
    Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20581

    Dear Mr. Stawick:

    Excessive speculation hurt the economy in 2008 and, once again, is harming
    the economy in 2011. According to data recently released by the
    Commission, speculators have raised their positions in energy markets by
    64 percent compared to June 2008, bringing speculation to the highest
    level on record.

    We need meaningful, effective speculative position limits to restore
    balance to commodities markets and ensure that they are connected to
    market fundamentals, so that they fulfill their price-discovery function
    properly and without distortions caused by excessive speculation. In
    particular, I:

    - support the Commission's immediate adoption of spot-month speculative
    position limits; - urge the Commission to adopt effective back-month
    levels that will accomplish the legislative purpose of curbing excessive
    speculation; - urge the Commission to adopt single-month limits that are
    no higher than two-thirds of the all-months-combined levels; - urge the
    Commission immediately to adopt a position-accountability regime for the
    nonspot months in place of its proposed position-visibility rule; and -
    urge the Commission to adopt lower speculative position limits for
    passive, long-only traders.

    Time is of the essence, and I urge you to act quickly. Our pocketbooks and
    the broader economy depend on it.

    What has happened to real Statesmen? People elected by me to work for
    me! Where have the ones gone that believe that America is a great nation?
    Where are the ones that believe in equality and the constitution? "By the
    people, FOR the people". It seems that too many politicians are only
    interested in baiting the lobbyists to come knock on their door with what
    amounts to no more than bribes. I feel sorry for America and Shame
    towards Congress for kneeling at the feet of lobbyists and giving in to
    greed. II Peter 2:3 - (false prophets) "in their greed they will exploit
    you with false words"
    Citizens are led by terrible media and extreme partisan news into
    decision making of whom to elect. Mitt Romney? Are you kidding me....he
    said something to the effect of "I will win because I have more money than
    the other guys" Sadly he may be right about what it takes to stand a
    chance. Just goes to show how most of washington is permitted to operate.
    Rising gas prices have put such a damper on the economy it is
    ridiculous. Think of all the goods the common person WOULD buy if they
    didn't have to spend all that money on gasoline just to line the pockets
    of huge corporations and greedy people who give nothing back. I used to
    believe that "all work was honorable" HAHA, not these days. There is
    nothing PRODUCTIVE about stealing from people and disguising it as
    business. I cannot believe we allow this to happen. Take the money out
    of politics and watch the greed leave and the Statesmen come back.
    Do you want to allow families to suffer with this monkey on their backs?
    Have YOU been chosen to stop this nonsense? Do you enjoy a mediocre
    economy? Do you enjoy putting your tax dollars towards heating oil
    subsidies? Do you laugh at the guy at the pump that puts 10 dollars in his
    tank? Do you praise the guy that lines his pockets at the expense of me?
    Do you have any morals or a conscience?
    Make the right decision please, take the hard road and fix this growing


    Bryan Poitras

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