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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: W K Eidson

    Comment No: 5633
    Date: 2/28/2010

    Comment Text:

    Kyle Eidson
    Sunday, February 28, 2010 8:31 PM
    RE: RIN 3038-AC61 regulating the retail forex market
    Here we go again with Big Brother sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong. I make my living by trading
    currencies and because I have the leverage TO PROTECT MYSELF I do quite well. If the government changes the
    leverage rules in retail fx I will be forced to move my trading accounts and my money out of the country, and every
    trader I know is going to do the same.
    Why can't you leave us alone and let us take care of ourselves. Regulate the brokers and punish them for for the
    unlawful and unethical conduct some of them display. They get away with murder in this industry. Where in Gods
    name did the idea that it should be ok for a broker to open his own trading desk and trade against his own
    customers. My broker is MB Trading in Long Beach California, and I can't say enough as to what a class
    organization they are. All brokers should be held to their standard by law, but instead we have to watch while the
    government goes after the customer and makes it virtually impossible to make a living trading fx unless you have
    deep pockets. I can't wait until it's time for the elections. There isn't one segment of government that the public
    isn't fed up with, and when the time comes were are going to throw you collective sorry butts out on the street
    where you will actually have to work and make your way in the world instead of sitting behind a government desk
    trying to think up ways to screw everything up.
    You think we out here in the real world don't know what the real agenda is? You think we really believe that CFTC
    gives a rats ass about the retail trader? Get a clue. We know whats going on and when and if you go ahead with
    this reduction in leverage bull, the next thing you hear will be the door closing behind us as we collectively take our
    accounts and our money out of the country. I can only say mr. David Stawick, that if you can't find anything better
    to do than take away my and all the traders like me right to make a living, then you and the CFTC are a pathetic
    bunch. Our rights as americans are slowly and surely being taken away by narrow minded incompetent
    bureaucrats who won't look at the big picture, don't give a damn about freedom and care only about there holier
    than thou agenda.
    Lastly, even though this last thought will fall on deaf uncaring ears I am still going to remind you that you are
    serving as secretary of the CFTC in order to see to it that the commodities market carries on its business in a legal
    and ethical manner. It is NOT for you to decide that the leverage rules are dangerous for forex traders. That is for
    each trader to decide for HIMSELF. Not his mommy, his daddy, or you. If he gets into the situation that he loses
    his money, thats HIS problem. Your job is to make sure that his broker and anyone else invloved didn't break some
    law and cause him to lose his money. If he isn't smart enough to learn the business and protect himself then too
    bad. It is not your job to protect some stupid idiot at the expense of the rest of us. We traders, as a whole, do not
    want the leverage rules changed and it is incumbant on you to recognize that fact and act accordingly.
    Wk Eidson