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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Leo Pordon

    Comment No: 5599
    Date: 2/26/2010

    Comment Text:

    Leo Pordon < [email protected]>
    Friday, February 26, 2010 10:47 AM
    RIN 3038-AC61
    David Stawick, Secretary
    Commodity Futures Trad~n8 Commission
    1155 21st Street, N.W.,
    Washinston, DC 20581
    Dear Mr. Staw~ck:
    I have attended many courses, stud~ed, trained, and put ~nto practice the d~sc~p[~nes that are necessary to become a currency
    trader. Four years to be exact. I manase risk on each and every trade. Cap~ta[ preservation and ~ncrementa[ profits are my
    primary 8oa[s / objectives / responsibilities.
    Why then are you attempt~n8 to sabotase the retail tradin8 market by ~mpos~n8 a 10:1 [everase cap? What ~s your real asenda
    that you are not wfl[in8 (Le. honest enoush) to share w~th those of us ~n the ~ndustry? And I don't want to hear about protectin8
    the 8enera[ public. That ~s not your 8oa[, and both you and I know ~t. Have some ethical fortitude and come dean; explain
    You and your staff wfl[ be the d~rect cause of hundreds (~f not thousands) of layoffs from the brokerase houses that wfl[ e~ther 80
    under or 8o elsewhere to ply their trade. Shame on you.
    Millions of do[Jars wfl[ move off shore, a[on8 w~th the federal tax revenues that come ~n a[on8 w~th them.
    I would [~ke an honest answer, and a[thoush I have some pretty 8ood ideas already, I would [~ke to hear your version of th~s
    We [~ve ~n the United States of America. A Republic, not a Feudal System run by nobles.
    Leo Pordon
    Palm City, FL 34990
    Tel. (772) 286-5725