Comment Text:
Joseph P Mastropolo
16 Morningside Drive
Patterson, NY 12563-2308
December 29, 2010
David Stawick
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581
Dear Mr. Stawick:
I urge you on behalf of all Americans who have been hit very hard by the
economic bad times to take action on the spiraling enerrgy costs. My wife
has been unemployed for a year and these rising costs have become a
nightmare. The average person feels powerless because there was a time
when a consumer could cut down or conserve their energy use and it would
make a difference. Speculation wipes out the law of supply and demand so
no matter what the average person does, it has no bearing on the price of
Please help!!
Joseph P Mastropolo