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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Richard Taris

    Comment No: 49647
    Date: 9/29/2011

    Comment Text:

    Dear Sirs/Madams,
    It has been brought to my attention that there will be an upcoming vote on rules regarding excessive speculation in the commodities markets. i am writing you to plead with you to please make strict rules to stop this sort of inflationary practice. A large portion of the contracts in commodities are never exercised and allowed to expire only to be bought again and create new demand thereby creating an artificial shortage and higher prices for consumers and an economy that is already at the end of it's rope. This really is not how the law of supply and demand is supposed to work, instead it wreaks of market manipulation by traders and the victims of that manipulation being the consumers, while Wall Street lines their pockets in gold, not to mention making the oil producing countries of the mid-east even more powerful and dangerous.
    With another recession looming and the previous not really ending for the largest portion of American working families I implore you to please ask yourself would it be responsible to allow this kind of market manipulation to continue? Please institute strict rules limiting the number of contracts that traders can buy and sell without taking delivery on those contracts in the rules change, and by doing so give the consumer a well needed break from the inflationary pressures this is causing.

    Thank You for your consideration

    Richard Taris

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