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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From:

    Comment No: 49644
    Date: 9/29/2011

    Comment Text:

    Dear Sirs,
    In these tough and uncertain economic times drastic action must be taken by our regulators. It seems that our daily lives are governed by regulations. From speed limits, hours in a workweek, and minimum hourly pay to who can visit us in the hospital or what size fish we can catch, when and where. All of these regulations are in place to help protect something wether ourselves, our privacy,environment, or our future.
    Given all these regulations it seems that the ones that govern our economy are the most protective of the producers, investors, or a privileged few instead of the general public. Clearly this is not in America's best interest. As I business owner I realized that the more money in the pockets of the general public the more people would frequent my business. It seems common sense then to stop the abuse of the market by speculation. Since most of the products manufactured, bought, and sold in this country are effected by the market manipulation of speculators much stricter regulations need to be put in place to control their actions. Once the abusive practices are reigned in the forces of a truer free market will begin to take affect. This massive shift in the way America's economy is protected will benefit all members of our society. Not just the producers or a privileged few. I strongly urge you to take the opportunity to make major difference in our country's future and make the tough choices that must be made. Put in place stricter regulations governing speculation in our markets.
    Thank you,
    Chris Mook

    Sent from my iPhone

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