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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: George Blumel

    Comment No: 49528
    Date: 9/28/2011

    Comment Text:

    Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    Washington D.C.

    Dear commissioners:

    My U.S. Senator asked me to write to you to complain about excessive commodity futures speculation. *

    This is to ask you to please excuse Senator Bill Nelson (FL –Dem) for his recent claims about futures trading causing the rise in prices for “bread, gasoline and Levis.” You must understand that he has never done anything in the private sector and hasn’t he slightest concept of how the economy works –commodities futures trading is a complete mystery to him. So, he tries to explain the problems in our economy with concepts supplied to him by his “spinners” expecting that his constituents don’t understand free markets any more than he does. This often works for career pols.

    He sees no connection to ethanol subsidies and mandates on increased food costs. He tells his senior citizen constituents how he’s looking out for them by writing a letter to VP Biden asking that no money be cut from Medicare. Then he votes for Obamacare that cuts $500 billion from Medicare! But you know how the professional politicians will do and say anything to get reelected for that is their Job One. He’s been at the government trough since 1968 so what does he know about anything as esoteric as commodities speculation? Give him a break –he simply doesn’t know. But also, don’t pay any attention to him for the same reasons.

    Be patient. We will replace him in 2013 with a much more experienced and smarter person who has not spent his whole life in government.

    Thank you, George Blumel, Atlantis FL 33462

    *This is part of Nelson’s message to me: “…stop the manipulation of commodities prices, send an e-mail now to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission - and tell the members to stop speculators from interfering with the price of food and energy. Tell the commissioners to stop listening to Wall Street lobbyists. Tell them to impose meaningful position limits.”

    Click for more of Sen. Nelson’s accomplishments: Your Typical Career Politician. Or, why we have a $14 trillion debt

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