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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Linda F.Moffatt

    Comment No: 49178
    Date: 9/26/2011

    Comment Text:

    Dear members of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission:

    Can you please do your job as representatives of the citizens of the US and NOT as puppets of Wall Street and stop speculators from interfering with the price of food and energy? It is time to stop listening to Wall Street lobbyists and impose meaningful position limits. Or the protest on Wall Street will continue to grow and grow until the NYPD cannot contain it even by their brutish tactics and it might even get some media coverage. Even old people like me are getting fed up enough to think about protesting the thieves and carpetbaggers ruining this country. One of the protestors’ sign was “Hungry? Eat a banker!” Wouldn’t have laughed at that 10 years ago but things have changed. Even Senator Bill Nelson is trying to take a stand against your inadequacies. I guess some Senate hearings placing people under oath might be in the future if enough people rise up. How about running your Commission as if you actually owe a thought for what is good for all of the people instead of just the rich? Please.

    Linda Moffatt
    Ocala, FL

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