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Comment for General CFTC Net Position Changes Data Reports


    Comment No: 48357
    Date: 9/28/2011

    Comment Text:

    To Whom It May Concern,

    I am an 75 year old lady who sees her Social Secuity check lose worth every year because of inflated food and gas prices. Yet we Social Security recipients are told that there is no inflation therefore no increase in our Social Secuity checks.
    Of course, the index does not take into consideration the cost of food and perhaps gas also and therefore we do not need an increase. I was astounded when I recently learned that my food bill had gone up nearly $100 per month. At that rate, I soon will have to find a cheaper apartment. After having taught for almost 50 years I think I deserve better.

    Therefore, I am begging you on behalf of all those who are worse off than I, that you stop speculators from "playing around" with prices that reduce many hard working people from leading a normal life only to be confronted with the fact that they will be living at a poverty level. For shame on a government run by actually rich people who will not protect the rest of us.

    So I would beg you to stop speculators from interfering with the price of food and energy. Please stop listening to Wall Street lobbyists. Please impose meaningful position limits.

    Yours sincerely,
    Elizabeth M Sloane

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