Comment Text:
Dear Commodity Futures Trading Commission,
What I am reading in the news about your organization is very disturbing...
“Despite a clear directive from Congress to rein in excessive speculation, regulators still are listening
too much to Wall Street and not acting quickly enough to protect American
"A LOAF of whole wheat. A gallon of gasoline. A pair of Levi’s. Americans are paying more for many basic items this
year, making tough economic times even tougher."
"Congress told federal regulators to write rules that would ensure that Dodd-Frank does what it’s
supposed to do, which includes protecting consumers. But the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission has proposed rules that critics say might actually encourage
speculation in the commodities markets, rather than reduce it."
Quotes from: New York Times, September 24, 2011, By GRETCHEN MORGENSON
See article at this link:
What is going on???
The American public is counting on you to do your jobs properly and you are getting bought out by corporate lobbyist instead??? How shameful!!!
Are you trying to destroy your own country so that a few companies can get a little richer??? Treasonous!!!
If you do not protect the American public by properly implementing the regulations needed to stop wild casino-like Wall Street investors from betting all our National wealth away, then I say you should be tried for treason against your own country and put in prison!!!