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Comment for General CFTC Net Position Changes Data Reports

  • From: Tina Steele

    Comment No: 48241
    Date: 9/27/2011

    Comment Text:


    I am writing to express my concern that you are failing the American people. You have been charged with investigating how the oil and food industry commodity traders are driving up the prices of gas and food, yet you have done nothing. Turning instead a blind eye to the dispicable practices of these futures' traders and playing along with Wall Street at the expense of the people. We are paying not just with our pocketbooks but with the loss of jobs, as more and more of us succumb to the economic downturn, which is compounded by higher food and gas prices.

    You need to do the job you are being paid to do, by the American people, and to put us first, not your industry cronies. We are putting you on notice and you will be held accountable from now on.


    Tina Steele

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