Comment Text:
To whom it may concern:
The experiment with deregulated OTC Commodities Futures has lived up to every concern, warning, and admonition argued in both house of Congress prior to the calumny perpetrated upon the citizens of these United States and the World:
The Commodities Modernization and Exchange Acts of 2000-01.
Your real goal should be to recommend to the President that these laws be repealed.
The Nation prospered mightily for 70 years without this
Ill conceived Casino. Apart from a few rogue traders the world will be well rid of this all to common repeat of our syndicated cartel Robber Barron past we need to put back in the cage...
The health of the Nation far exceeds the needs of these few...
These acts have infected all the fiduciary principals and duties of responsible Financial Markets.
These Acts proven effects since there enactment upon our 'real' economy is frightening. Preventing any sound econometric valuation of BRs and it seems an intended fueling of cost push inflation.
One commonly asks whom does this benefit...?
Warning! Warning! Alarms are going off in many places!
So, I am writing you to demand that you impose and enforce the Wall Street Reform Act and the Dodd-Frank Rules in order to reduce the cost of gasoline and energy for average American consumers like me.
I am calling on you to regulate the speculation of oil futures and to in doing so reduce the price of energy for the American people.
John Bradin
3541 NE Ocean Blvd Apt 4
Jensen Beach, FL 34957