Comment Text:
Edward M. Dunlap, Jr.
Monday, February 1, 2010 7:05 PM
Proposed Leverage Changes in FOREX Markets
David Stawick, Secretary
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
1155 21 st Street, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20581
Dear Mr. Stawick,
Despite the insistence of the current administration that the public is too stupid to take care of
itself, I urge the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to leave current leverage levels
alone. It was interference from the federal government, not the greediness of Wall Street
which created the current financial melt down. Freedom, which includes choosing one's level
of risk and reward, has been and should continue to be a hallmark of the United States.
For the record, I am not nor do I represent a large investor. I am an individual who does not
wish to see his personal choice and in essence very freedom diminished because someone
thinks I am not capable of making a good decision. Don't claim to protect me by taking away
my freedom.
I implore you and your fellow members of the commission to leave us alone to make our own
choices and to then be responsible for the choices we make.
Best Regards,
Edward M. Dunlap, Jr., ME, PMP
507 Maymont Drive
Cramerton, NC 28032