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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Mindy Yost

    Comment No: 4600
    Date: 1/30/2010

    Comment Text:

    Mindy Yost
    Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:02 PM
    question regarding comment letters for regulation of forex and change of leverage
    to 10:1
    Dear CFTC,
    One week ago, I sent a comment to this email address expressing my negative oppinion of the proposed new rule
    to change the leverage of Retail Forex to 10:1. It was my understanding that the CFTC is to post all comments
    received in a timely way. Having viewed the comment file each day this past week, I noticed that no new
    comments were posted at all. I know at least 10 people who have sent comments in the past 10 days - none of
    which have been posted to the comment file. I realize that you are busy, but I would like to see some progress
    with the updating of this file. I, like the others who have taken the time to submit a comment, want my voice heard
    on this subject and think that you should be a little more responsive in posting comments. Can you please tell me
    what the hold up is and when I can expect to see my comment, as well as those of others? I would appreciate a
    reply to this email.
    Mindy Yost