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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Rene N Madrid

    Comment No: 4454
    Date: 1/29/2010

    Comment Text:

    Rene Nilo Madrid Cesar
    Friday, January 29, 2010 4:01 PM
    [email protected]
    RV: Alpari (US) Speaks out about the CFTC Proposal
    I only want tos ay, that I was worked with a FXCM, who since november apply the new margin, and I
    can see that don't profit me in any sense, the new leverage only short my operations range, and I can
    see how, later this new leverage margin my invest, decrease in profits, in this way my account with
    FXCM is inacctive rigth now.
    Now I'm trading using Alpari US, were the leverage Still in 100:1, but in accord of my past experience,
    maybe I close this account, and move my money to another forex broker placed in England or
    I think that is a precipitated meassure that only can give facilities to this actions :
    1 st.- Decrease of market, because so much traders move to another options, and markets.
    2nd.-Moving of funds to countries where leverage still high.
    3rd.-Decrease of faith in the market, because moving money to another country and without regulation
    so much scammers will be hunting for innocent traders.
    I'm a mexican trader, that I can feel safe using an American Company, americans feels same, but think
    in traders, so much Money will be in the pocket of scammers, this market (forex), Is very weak when
    see from outside, and so much people feels that it's a big scam, if we can't trade using US serious
    pattaforms, please think in all the people more that will have this comment after take the axe and rejects
    to street with his money, where the scammers are ready like wolves.
    Thank you.
    From: Alpa ri_U S_LLC@ ma
    [email protected]
    Subject: AIpari (US) Speaks out about the CFTC Proposal
    Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 21:04:25 +0000i0-001
    Alpari (US) Speaks out about the CFTC Proposal
    New CFTC Proposed Rule
    On January 13, 2010, The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
    released a public proposal,
    Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange
    Transactions and Intermediaries,
    which imposes new requirements on the U.S.
    Forex industry. The proposal significantly changes the leverage permitted on
    certain accounts and, if passed, would have a drastic effect on retail investors. In
    the CFTC proposed regulation, leverage in retail forex customer accounts would
    be subject to a 10-to-1 limitation.
    Currently, the CFTC enforces 100:1 leverage (a 1% margin requirement) to
    open and maintain a position on a forex transaction. With the 10:1 leverage
    proposed, retail traders would be subject to a 10% margin requirement. Retail
    traders would have to invest significantly more to place trades of the same size,
    ultimately resulting in a decreased return or loss on invested margin.* The risk-
    reward ratio that is so appealing to the average investor today under 100:1
    leverage would no longer be available if the proposal is passed.
    The effect of this change can be summarized through the following example:
    Currency Pair Price
    Current Margin
    Proposed Margin
    at 100:1
    at 10:1
    1 standard lot =
    1 standard lot =
    Where we stand
    Alpari (US) has always been a strong supporter of ethical and fair business
    practices and the protections offered to traders through industry regulation.
    However, Alpari (US) does not support
    CFTC proposal.i0-001
    Alpari (US) believes that this proposal discourages beginners from developing
    and strengthening their trading style. It effectively prevents investors from
    evaluating their own appetite for risk and making personal investing decisions.
    We place a strong emphasis on educating traders to make informed and
    responsible decisions. We believe that, with proper education, it is not necessary
    for the U.S. Forex industry to be subject to these regulations. Only recently
    have the doors opened for retail investors to trade in this market; these doors
    are effectively closed through the proposed rules, once again making the FX
    market accessible only to financial institutions.
    You have a voice
    Our goal is to guide you in understanding the intentions and ramifications of
    this proposal and remind you that, as a retail investor, you have a say in how
    your freedoms are controlled. We believe that this is a decision to be made by
    the traders, not the regulators. You are the largest group who can make these
    ramifications heard.
    We encourage you to send your comments to the CFTC during the 60 day
    period, ending on March 22, 2010. If you have an opinion on whether the CFTC
    should restrict leverage across the board to 10 to 1, we want you to voice it.
    Send your comments to [email protected]
    and include "Regulation of Retail
    Forex" as the subject line of the message. Additionally, you can file comments
    online, by fax at 202-418-5521 or by mail to:
    Secretary of the Commission
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street NW
    Washington, DC 20581
    Team of Alpari (US)
    14 Wall Street Suite 5H
    New York, NY 10005i0-001
    Tel: 646.825.5760
    Fax: 646.825.5761
    NFA ID: 0379678
    *The potential of profit is equal to the risk of loss on all leveraged transactions.
    Risk Warning: Trading foreign exchange, commodity futures, options, precious
    metals and other over-the-counter products carries a high level of risk and may
    not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage associated with
    such trading can result in substantial losses, as well as gains. The past
    performance of any trading strategy or methodology is not indicative of future
    results, which can vary due to market volatility; it should not be interpreted as a
    forecast of future performance. You should carefully consider whether such
    trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition, level of experience
    and appetite for risk, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor, if
    you have any doubts. Alpari (US), LLC is registered with the
    CFTC as a
    Futures Commission Merchant and is a member of the NFA
    - Member ID:
    Confidentiality: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential
    and intended solely for use of the recipient(s). Any review, retransmission,
    dissemination, or other use of, or taking any action in reliance upon this
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    If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately,
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    Email: [email protected]
    14 Wall St., Suite 5H, New York, NY 10005
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    Alpari (US), LLC
    14 Wall St.
    New York, New York 10005
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