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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: William J Walker
    Walker & Company

    Comment No: 4433
    Date: 1/29/2010

    Comment Text:

    N um berscru ncher9@aol, com
    Friday, January 29, 2010 8:42 AM
    garrett@uscongress-official, us
    Re: Regulation of Retail Forex Trading
    CFTC Secretary.gif
    Please read attached letter. Thank you.131 Erie Avenue
    Midland Park, NJ 07432
    January 29, 2010
    Mr. David Stawick, Secretary via fax to 202-418-5521 and e-mail to [email protected]
    Commodities Futures Trading Commission
    Street N.W.
    Washington, DC 20581
    Subject: Regulation of Retail Forex Trading
    ID number: RIN 3038-AC61
    Dear Mr. Stawick and Commission Members:
    I am writing in response to the CFTC's proposal to change the leverage in retail forex
    customer accounts from the current 100:1 to 10:1 and the margin requirement from
    $1,000 to $10,000.
    As a self-employed forex trader, I rely on leverage to conduct my business. If the-
    proposed CFTC changes in forex retail trading regulations were to take effect, they would
    seriously limit my ability to run my business.
    Because forex trading is a high risk undertaking, I and other forex traders are well aware
    of the risks involved with using leverage, However, I strongly believe that the amount of
    leverage I use should be my decision to make, not that of the CFTC.
    Furthermore, in addition to the CFTC's proposed change in regulations negatively
    impacting me and forex traders like me, it would take liquidity out of the Forex market
    when the Federal Reserve and other central banks are trying to promote price stability.
    Retail Forex Traders help provide this stability by providing liquidity to the markets.
    -Small businesses are at the heart of the U.S. economy. CFTC's proposed change in forex
    regulations would put traders like me out of business at a time when unemployment in
    the United States is running at an extremely high rate.
    Please help my small business rather than hinder it with your proposed regulations
    regarding retail forex trading customer accounts.
    Yours truly,
    William J. Walker
    Walker & Company
    Cc: Congressman Scott Garrett via fax to 202-225-9048 and e-mail to