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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Bob Dorman
    Currency Trader Magazine

    Comment No: 4287
    Date: 1/27/2010

    Comment Text:

    bdorman@activetradermag, com
    Wednesday, January 27, 2010 5:55 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    RIN 3038-AC61
    As the Publisher of Currency Trader magazine I am aware that a small percentage of traders mis-use leverage in
    trading forex. After many years of educating traders about forex, leverage and risk management, I have
    concluded that I cannot "save" 5% of our readers from their own greed and foolishness. However, I do not
    penalize the other 95% by making their trading impossible.
    I am opposed to the rule change establishing a maximum 10:1 leverage in retail forex trading for the following
    1) The 10:1 rule is not necessary. Day-to-day price changes in forex are small (much less than stocks and most
    physical commodities). Without a minimum 50:1 leverage, trading forex is uneconomical. Allow traders to
    determine appropriate leverage for themselves. Education is the key, and most traders are eager and willing to
    learn...and use leverage responsibly.
    2) The 10:1 rule will be counter-productive. Retail traders will simply move their accounts offshore to the UK,
    Switzerland, Germany and Cyprus. In offshore accounts they will be able to use leverage even greater than 100:1
    (often as high as 400:1).
    3) Thousands of high-paying, knowledge jobs will be lost to overseas competitors. The US-based retail forex
    brokerage firms have established a leadership position in a worldwide industry. Why would the CFTC want to
    destroy that?
    4) What problem is the 10:1 margin rule intended to solve? Retail forex traders pose no systemic risk to the
    financial system. We haven't seen brokerage firms going bankrupt due to offering customers too much leverage.
    5) As a corollary to 4) Why should retail forex traders be put at a disadvantage to non-retail traders (investment
    banks, etc.) who do pose systemic risks to the financial system?
    Let me add that I do support the proposed changes regarding registration of FCMs, RFEDs, IBs, CTAs, CPOs
    and APs.
    Best regards,
    Bob Dorman
    Publisher, Currency Trader magazine