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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Rick Trojacek

    Comment No: 4284
    Date: 1/27/2010

    Comment Text:

    Rick Troj acek
    Wednesday, January 27, 2010 5:01 PM
    Proposed New Rules for Spot Trading Foreign Currency Markets
    Dear Sirs:
    I have been recently alerted by my broker that a ruling change is being sought with regard to leverage
    ratios in the Spot Forex Market. While I support changes to increase the liquidity of Forex brokers and
    their subsequent exposure, reducing leverage ratios from 100:1 to 10:1 will be devastating to spot
    traders and brokerage firms and will be counterproductive. The Margin Call system of Forex Trading
    by design reduces risk. It is unlike Futures or Stocks where a Margin Call can genuinely place a trader
    in debt. As you know, the trader is not vulnerable whatsoever in this regard in Forex Trading. His/her
    account may be, if it reaches Margin Call, it is simply closed and all trades exited by the broker in behalf
    of the trader, and the trader can reenter the market later at any time with new funds.
    I respectfully submit that this feature of Forex Trading be unchanged, and be allowed to remain as it
    currently is. My request is framed on two possibilities. First, it will give an unfair advantage to
    overseas brokers, and no regulation by the CFTC, and the currency market will die in the USA from a
    Spot Traders perspective. Brokers and dealers will go broke unable to sustain enough active trading to
    meet overhead against less regulated foreign brokers. The second reason is it will immediately place
    undo financial hardship on current traders, forcing them to increase their capital by 10 or seek out a
    foreign broker.
    Rick Troj acek