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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Ashley McCann
    All Drivers!

    Comment No: 42613
    Date: 5/6/2011

    Comment Text:

    I feel that it is very sad when people have to sacrifice taking their prescription medication because they need to pay for gas. It is sad when a person must drive two hours away and lose at least $20 just from that drive alone (not including tolls paid!), so that they can be there for a relative in need, or in my case, my mother having a major surgery. It's very upsetting that our taxes that we pay are high as it is, then add this in? All that these "speculators" are doing is basically legal theft! To put $20 worth of 87 octane gas into my car and to get a quarter of a tank?! That's ridiculous!! I'm thankful that I have a job that pays (very slightly) above minimum wage, as honestly, I don't think I could afford to drive otherwise. On top of being a college student, finances are hard as it is!
    Can the government give it's tax paying citizens a break?! We NEED serious limitations on these oil companies and what they are doing to us. If their goal is to bankrupt the American people, while comfortably lining their already well lined pockets, they're achieving their goal. These corporations that do this are made up of the most evil scum of society....dressed up in a suit. What good do they ever do for people? Do we see them donating even a small percentage of their earnings to charities? Do we see them getting pay cuts like the rest of us are forced to take to keep our jobs? Do they care when their bills go up? (of course not, they have plenty of money for to that!) Do they scour the coupons and ads before even CONSIDERING going grocery shopping, only to decide that they really can't do groceries this week because their job requires them to report to a meeting that's a half hour away, and they'll need to make sure they have enough money for gas to get there...(company doesn't reimburse for gas either!)
    It costs money to do anything, even maintain a job. Maintaining your job costs money every single time you're required to get behind the wheel of your car these days!
    This is truly the worst case of "highway robbery" (no pun intended) I've seen.
    I USED to have faith in the government's ability to regulate and solve problems. I USED to have faith in the checks and balances systems. I USED to have faith in the United States. I don't know what there is to have faith in anymore except for my own existence, which seems to get poorer and poorer as the days go by with all the tax hikes, gas prices, bills skyrocketing because of taxes... Are we getting pay raises? NO! Yet we're supposed to slap a smile on our face and say "It's okay, we're lucky to be alive." "It's okay, we're lucky to have jobs." The more I think about it, the more I think that people who are "professional welfare game players" might be on to something here... If I pop out a baby and lose my job, can I get some of that money I pay towards my taxes back? Can I get some of that government support?
    If taxes, and these INSANE gas prices are going to continue to go up, I think that the government should subsidize every working class citizen at least SOME sort of "pittance" every month, like how they support welfare junkies and people who have never worked a day in their life...

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