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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Gale Erdly

    Comment No: 42607
    Date: 5/6/2011

    Comment Text:

    I am an unemployed single mom. How do I feed my child and put gas in a car to look for a job at the same time? There is no real public transportation or jobs where I live, so I would have to drive. How do I drive without making someone else rich and my child starve? To qualify for food stamps you have to work or work for families first through jobs and family services, to do that you have to spend what little cash you have on gas, then there is no money for rent either way you are screwed, all because people want bigger profits. I guess we will have a class system like India. The rich will drive and the rest will starve and be homeless. When is enough going to be enough? I don't want public assistance I want a fair chance without someone taking advantage of me because they know I need gas to look for work and gas to get to work when I find it. The price of gas is getting closer and closer to the state minimum wage. With that increase everything else increases, utilities, groceries, health care, everything. When does it end?

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