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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Renee M Kossman

    Comment No: 42605
    Date: 5/6/2011

    Comment Text:

    I would like to leave a comment as to what the price for gasoline and the recent exorbitant price increased have caused for the typical John Q. Public. I work away from my home, and in our city/state there is not a reasonable way to publicly transport to my job place. I have no choice but to drive my car to work. In 2006 I traded-in my SUV for a mini-SUV; big difference is engine size (V8 to a 4-cyl), much smaller gas tank, better gas mileage. I literally have a 15 gallon gas tank and it cost me over $50.00 to fill my tank the other day! I typically go through one tank of gas a week, and that equals approx $200 a month for fuel for my car. I am not the only one who must drive to work in my household. This is taking a huge bite from our budget; how does the government expect people to pay down debt, buy groceries (which have skyrocketed as well recently), insurance, medications, etc. when they have to burn so much of their income to fuel their car to get to work to pay for everything else? Our property taxes continue to increase to pay for the unconstitutional way that our public schools are funded yet if you are lucky to have a job right now, pay freezes are in effect because companies cannot afford to give their well deserving employees increases. I implore you to disallow the "speculators" from causing the cost of gasoline to skyrocket to a point where we cannot afford to drive our vehicles! When is Washington going to really be "For the People" as our government was originally designed for? Seems to be that it is anything but "For the People". If I did not know better, I would think Washington was absolutely involved in trying to eradicate the middle-class. Give us a break...put a stop to these soaring prices.

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