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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Erin M Lee

    Comment No: 42594
    Date: 5/6/2011

    Comment Text:

    I want to say to whom this may concern, except the middle and lower class is who this concerns in all actuality. By allowing these oil companies to make such huge profits and the oil speculators to make just as much is affecting those of us who are living pay check to pay check. I am making more then minimum wage, but it is getting to the point where I am going to have to decide what is more important to feed my family to drive to work. I would love to take public transportation but unfortunately I live in a very rural county, so it does not come out my way. Watching gas prices go up over 20 cents in just over a week is insane. I know that some things are happening in the world that might affect our oil that we use to create gas, but when the oil fields were on fire last year the prices did not jump this fast or this much in this short of time frame.
    We the middle class working people the majority of the people that make up this country are going to be in a huge problem very soon. It is up to you, the ones that we have elected to represent us, to protect us from corporations who are trying to take advantage of us. Exon alone made 11 billion in their first quarter! How is this possible when grocery stores are not able to make this much? Wal-Mart does not make this much! Yet the gas companies can? YOU need to find a way to help fix this situation because it will not go away on its own. Can we count on you, our elected officials, or will we have to fire you in the next election and try for a whole new group of people who might be more willing to protect us from the companies that we can not protect ourselves from?

    I hope that you listen because eventually you will have no choice when the whole of the work force is no longer able to work because they can not afford to pay for the gas to get them to work!


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