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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Laura A Critchfield

    Comment No: 42560
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    Dear Mr. Gensler:

    I am writing to you regarding the high gas prices. I see that today a barrel of crude has dropped below $100.00 a barrel, yet I am sure gas prices will continue to rise. I resent having to support the speculators who are making money by artificially driving up the price of gasoline. This puts a huge burden on our family. Besides trying to keep gas in the cars to get to work and back, my son has to drive to college every day. He is going to have to make some decisions for next year depending on how high gas prices are. Add to this the rising price of food, there are going to be people who will have to decide whether to make their rent payments, put gas in their cars or feed their family. I would encourage you to step in and mediate a comprimise. I'm certainly not against anyone making a profit, but I think this one comes at too high a cost.

    Sincerely, Laura Critchfield

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