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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Gary H. Bleisch

    Comment No: 42522
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    Fuel prices have gotten totally out of hand as has everything one needs to survive, clothes, food, medical care etc.. Does anyone even have a clue as to what the bottom dollar impact this is having on our economy, let alone those people who
    could barley afford gas at $2.50 a gallon ? You can't keep making the working man foot the bill for everything, we the working middle class make this country. Our education system is broken and needs money but there not going to get any new levy's passed because everything around us just keeps going up in price. Seniors stop taking there medications because they
    can't afford both drugs and fuel....this is not the sign of a strong country, but rather weakness in our government to control price gouging of the working class by corporate America. This is killing our countries ability to pick itself up from the financial bad times and try to regain it's ability to prosper once again.

    It seems that we are in a doomed downward spiral that shows no sign of hope anywhere, feels like the working class has
    been sold out to big oil and billions in profits. The amount of millionaires is expected to double in these hard times, that in
    itself just doesn't seem right nor is it easy to understand when so many have so little.

    I'm a very unhappy American and I truly feel sorry for our children considering what we're leaving them as their future. We're destined to be a "Third World Country".

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