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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: bill s taylor

    Comment No: 42487
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    please do something to stop the speculators from artificially driving up the price of oil. I recently read where someone on Wall Street said they need these speculators because by them buying shares of crude oil it gives the big oil companies incentive to drill for more oil. Well to me that's like knowing you have to leave your house at 2pm to be somewhere so you set your clock one half hour ahead to insure you leave on time. Now when 2pm on your clock comes around you know it's really only 130pm.......don't you think the big oil companies know that the speculators aren't really buying their oil. Supply and demand should be the only criteria for oil pricing !!!!

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