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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: dgk,mg, yulydu

    Comment No: 42430
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    Either the united states uses it's own oil and gets gas prices down to no more than $2.00 per gallon or this country is going to face the biggest revolution it's ever seen! There's no getting around it! WE THE PEOPLE demand to live and prosper without going broke! Not just gas prices either! Food prices, water and sewer prices, natural gas prices, inflation, etc... The list goes on. We will no longer sit around and be ordered how to live! The people are waking up at an alarming rate and Obama is freaking out! We no longer believe the propaganda on the news! We will not give up our freedom and our constitution in the name of "Safety" that the government can't provide! The only terror is the terror designed by the CIA and the Jews. Always have a Muslim to blame it on... WE ARE NOT STUPID!! WE ARE REMOVING THE FLUORIDE FROM THE WATER AND WAKING UP! The lies in Washington are backfiring on them! HAARP, PROJECT BLUE BEAM and other insane practices are going to bite them in the rear end! TRUTH is the American way! We will get to the truth! FREEDOM!