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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Sharon D Costa

    Comment No: 42417
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    With the rising gasoline prices, people are beginning to forgo necessities in order to put gasoline in their automobiles. Not being able to pay for prescriptions, or buy food to put on the table for your family seems to be the choice that many Americans have to make. Every time you look in a magazine or turn on the television, there is an ad or article about healthy living. How can you live healthy or eat a well balanced meal when you can't afford to? Meals for many families are turning into Ramen noodles and hot dogs, or peanutbutter and jelly. Its cheaper to eat unhealthy than to purchase nutritional food. The farmers will feel this crunch as well. Not to mention the elderly that are already in a financial crunch. The tasc for many elderly to pay for medical treatment, medical co-pays, and put gas in thier vehicles will be nearly impossible to achieve.
    How much money has to be bled from from citizens to make millionaires, billionaires, and billionaires, trillionaires? I am praying that many around the country, that are healthy enough, will make the decision to make a stand by finding other alternatives to the rising prices at the pump. I'm blessed to be in close proximity to my employment and can make a healthier more economical change by walking to work or cycling. I imagine many like myself have sent hundreds of messages regarding the rising gas prices, many things will be affected this summer with rising gas prises. Many businesses that depend on sunny weather for travelers to bring in business will be hit hard. We will all lose.

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