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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Jennifer Swearns
    U.S Citizen

    Comment No: 42410
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    I, like millions of other Americans, am struggling to support myself. I am a well educated, harding working,twenty eight year old tax paying U.S. Citizen who is tired of the rising costs in gas, food, and other expenses. I'm tired of working hard and not being able to get ahead. I cannot afford to save money to put into a savings account. I work full-time, sometimes more than forty hours a week, making only $9.76/hr. I am twenty eight years old, and due to my low income and costs for me just to get to work (spending over $60/wk in gas alone) and still live with my parents. I have to drive sixty miles a day, round-trip, just for work, and these outrageous gas prices are unexcusable.

    How is it, that a working class woman like me, is forced to pay higher prices on everything, yet there's not a sufficient raise in my paycheck? It sickens me to think of the extreme profit these oil companies are making off of the hard working American people! There's absolutely no reason for this, and something needs to be done!

    It upsets and angers me to know there are people suffering, people without homes, people without jobs. I am very fortunate to have a job, but I'm spending more than I can afford just to get to work. I'm very disappointed that the government has allowed such an excessive and unexcusable increase in the cost of fuel. I guess it only matters that the rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer. That's a very sad and disappointing thing. I love my country, but again, I'm very disappointed. It saddens me to know that there will be no Social Security or even retirement for my generation. I truly hope someone will put an end to this. $4.19+ for a gallon of gas....makes me sick!

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