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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Claudia Hegedus

    Comment No: 42392
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    You should all be ashamed of yourselves for inflating the gas prices. Oil companies have made record profits while us average Americans struggle every day. Because of your shameful choices, my family has had to make extremely hard choices. We have had to cut back on food, post-pone updates to our house, scrap plans for a vaction, and try to earn more money. I have two teenagers. They are both in need of clothes, but I keep telling them I have to save more money. My son will be attending a Univeristy that is four hours away. I am now in a position where I won't be able to go see him as often because the gas prices will kill my budget. As if college isn't expensive enough now I have to cut back on trips to see my own son. What happens if we have a medical emergency? I won't have the funds for co-pays, medicine or God forbid, a surgery! Is it your intention to hurt the American public? Are you even Americans or are you from another country? Do you have any integrity at all? Screwing hard working Americans is nothing to be proud of. I truly hope you enjoy your luxury vehicles, vacations, dinners at elite restaurants while the rest of us have to make cut backs.

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