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Comment for General CFTC Public Roundtable Discussion on Dodd-Frank Implementation

  • From: Jennifer M Liederbach

    Comment No: 42361
    Date: 5/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    It is time to finally regulate the speculators of the price of oil. It is hurting our country and it will send us into another recession. This is absurd to have to pay over 4 dollars for a gallon of gas. No movies, no new clothes, no new shoes, no eating out, no vacations, no new toys, no pretty flowers for my yard, no home improvments.... NOTHING! That will hurt so many local businesses, which will lead to lower sales, lay-off's and possible closures, which lead to foreclosures and more families relying on public assistance and it will be a total repeat of the Great Recession or even worse this time around because we haven't fully recovered from the last time gas prices were this high! And I'm just one person who's stopping all discretionary spending, so times all the cutbacks by the rest of the America and figure out what kind of financial disaster the USA will be in! It's time to "man up" and put a stop to the speculators. What happened to helping Main Street? What a crock!

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