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Comment for Public Information Collection 76 FR 18536

  • From: Robert J Brassell, Jr.
    Estate of Delois Brassell/Delois Albert Brassell
    Estate of Robert James Brassell
    Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.

    Comment No: 42266
    Date: 4/21/2011

    Comment Text:

    E-mail reply regarding subject "Re: The Office for Civil Rights".
    From: Mr. Robert J. Brassell, Jr.
    To: [email protected]
    Date:Thu, Dec 23, 2010 11:18 am

    (The following official firm (i.e., Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.’s) stationary was mailed via the United States Postal Service's (USPS) James A. Farley Main Office (located at 421 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10001-9998) on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 7:37 PM E.S.T.)

    December 16, 2010

    Central Government of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Department of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York Michael Rubens Bloomberg
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Health and Human Services Linda I. Gibbs
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Legal Affairs and Counsel to the Mayor of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Carol A. Robles-Román
    Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Seth W. Diamond
    First Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Fran Winter
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Administration Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Adult Services George Nashak
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Facility Maintenance and Development Robert Skallerup
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Security Services and Emergency Operations Michael Gagliardi
    Records Access Officer of the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Aaron Chaim Goodman
    Chief General Counsel for the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Michele Megan Ovesey
    Attention: Mr. Aaron Chaim Goodman, the Honorable Michael Rubens Bloomberg,
    Linda I. Gibbs and Carol A. Robles-Román, Commissioners Seth W. Diamond,
    Fran Winter, Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden, George Nashak, Robert Skallerup and
    Michael Gagliardi and Ms. Michele Megan Ovesey
    33 Beaver Street, 17th Floor
    New York, New York 10004-2737

    Re: Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr., personal United States federal Social Security Account Number (SSN) 122-72-2601 and New York City Department of Homeless Services' HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009). (Please note: all corrections are encased within brackets (“[]”). Also additionally please note: This particular written correspondence is directly responsive to the Thursday, December 16, 2010 e-mail response I and my firm received this morning at 9:13 AM EST from Mr. Goodman’s Records Access suboffice within DHS so I and my firm may receive the requested et al. records et al.)

    Dear Commissioner Diamond, General Counsel Ovesey et al. within et al. the New York City Department of Homeless Services (hereinafter referred to as "DHS") et al. excluding the New York City Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS):

    (Please note: the following correspondence will be electronically mailed to various United States federal Congressional officials with both Houses, the European Union and various media groups, organizations et al. and will be reported with my next-to-be-filled quarterly United States Congressional lobbying report.) Acting and speaking with ALL, ALL, ALL the authority, power, influence et al. vested in me via ALL, ALL, ALL my capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004 (court certificate number 17268), granted and issued by same Court on March 26, 2004) and as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004 (court certificate number 17269), granted and issued by same Court on March 18, 2004), I hereby request to see and receive official copies of each and every one of ALL, ALL, ALL my DHS [et al.] -authored, -handled et al. [written, verbal et al.] files, [, memoranda, notes, directives, orders et al. issued from above, within, without et al. DHS]. I would appreciate an official, on-the-record answering response to this much-wanted and much-needed query be mailed to me and my firm via my business post office box address.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mr. Robert J. Brassell, Jr., N.P.,
    acting within ALL, ALL, ALL my personal, professional AND AND OR ALL, ALL, ALL MY OTHER capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004, since March 26, 2004), as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004, since March 18, 2004) and the consultant and registered, pro bono lobbyist at Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc., for said respective decedents’ estates and their respective administrator.

    (My personal postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 131, GREENLAWN, NEW YORK 11740-0131.
    My independent business postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 327, JAMES A. FARLEY POST OFFICE BUILDING, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10116-0327.
    My primary and permanent residential address: 40 LANTERN STREET, HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743-4744.
    I currently secondarily temporarily resided (from October 31, 2009 to November 17, 2009) at the NEW YORK City (NYC) Department of Homeless Services' (DHS) 30th Street Men's Shelter (located at 400 East 30th Street, #430, Sixth Floor, Room 6E-14, Bed E104, New York NY 10016-8310, at the corner of East 30th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan between East 30th and East 29th Streets), currently temporarily residing (from November 17, 2009 until January 1, 2010, currently further extended until November 30, 2010) at the nyc dhs Barbara S. Kleiman Residence (NYC DHS in-house shelter code B020, located at 300 Skillman Avenue, Fourth Floor, Bed B69, Brooklyn NY 11211-1607, shelter’s main telephone number: 1-(718)-963-3800), all within NYC DHS's stricture via NYC DHS in-house HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009)).
    My United States federal Selective Service Number: 72-1799143-4.
    My New York State Department of Motor Vehicle (NYS DMV) Learner Permit Number: 307 230 833.
    I am a duly-sworn/affirmed and duly-commissioned Notary Public of the State of New York (registration number 01BR6014922, since October 19, 1998).
    I received a New York State Certification of Completion of Training in School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Certification in SAVE Training (permanently valid from February 26, 2003 onward). I also received a New York State Certification of Completion of Coursework/Training in Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (permanently valid from March 15, 2003 onward).
    My New York City Human Resources Administration’s/Department of Social Services’ (HRA/DSS, i.e., the NYC welfare department’s) case number 0008985923-01-01 / 0008985923F, via as a New York City public welfare recipient (on public welfare since February 16, 2010).)

    Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.
    Attention: Consultant and Registered Pro Bono Lobbyist Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr.
    Post Office Box 327
    James A. Farley Post Office Building
    New York NY 10116-0327

    RJB, Jr., N.P.
    (The following official firm (i.e., Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.’s) stationary was mailed via United States Postal Service (USPS) First-Class Mail via USPS's James A. Farley Main Office (located at 421 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10001-9998) on Friday, December 17, 2010 at 4:40 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST/E.S.T.).)

    December 16, 2010

    Central Government of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Office of the Corporation Counsel of the City of New York of the
    State of New York / Department of Law of the City of New York of the
    State of New York
    Corporation Counsel of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Michael A. Cardozo
    First Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Jeffrey Douglas Friedlander
    Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York Michael Rubens Bloomberg
    (hereinafter referred to as "Mikey")
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Health and Human Services Linda I. Gibbs
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Legal Affairs and Counsel to the Mayor of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Carol A. Robles-Román
    Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Seth W. Diamond
    First Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Fran Winter
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Administration Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Adult Services George Nashak
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Facility Maintenance and Development Robert Skallerup
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Security Services and Emergency Operations
    Michael Gagliardi
    Records Access Officer of the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Aaron Chaim Goodman
    Chief General Counsel for the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Michele Megan Ovesey
    Attention: Messrs. Michael A. Cardozo, Jeffrey Douglas Friedlander and
    Aaron Chaim Goodman, the Honorable Mikey, Linda I. Gibbs and
    Carol A. Robles-Román, Commissioners Seth W. Diamond, Fran Winter,
    Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden, George Nashak, Robert Skallerup and
    Michael Gagliardi and Ms. Michele Megan Ovesey
    100 Church Street, Fourth Floor
    New York, New York 10007-2668

    Re: Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr., personal United States federal Social Security Account Number (SSN) 122-72-2601 and New York City Department of Homeless Services' HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009). (Please note: all corrections are encased within brackets (“[]”). Also additionally please note: This particular written correspondence is directly responsive to the Thursday, December 16, 2010 e-mail response I and my firm received this morning at 9:13 AM EST from Mr. Goodman’s Records Access suboffice within DHS so I and my firm may receive the requested et al. records et al.)

    Dear Messrs. Cardozo, Friedlander and Goodman, Mikey, Commissioner Diamond, General Counsel Ovesey et al. within et al. the New York City Department of Homeless Services (hereinafter referred to as "DHS") et al. excluding the New York City Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS):

    (Please note: the following correspondence will be electronically mailed to various United States federal Congressional officials with both Houses, the European Union and various media groups, organizations et al. and will be reported with my next-to-be-filled quarterly United States Congressional lobbying report.) Acting and speaking with ALL, ALL, ALL the authority, power, influence et al. vested in me via ALL, ALL, ALL my capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004 (court certificate number 17268), granted and issued by same Court on March 26, 2004) and as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004 (court certificate number 17269), granted and issued by same Court on March 18, 2004), I hereby request to see and receive official copies of each and every one of ALL, ALL, ALL my DHS [et al.] -authored, -handled et al. [written, verbal et al.] files, [, memoranda, notes, directives, orders et al. issued from above, within, without et al. DHS]. I would appreciate an official, on-the-record answering response to this much-wanted and much-needed query be mailed to me and my firm via my business post office box address.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mr. Robert J. Brassell, Jr., N.P.,
    acting within ALL, ALL, ALL my personal, professional AND AND OR ALL, ALL, ALL MY OTHER capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004, since March 26, 2004), as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004, since March 18, 2004) and the consultant and registered, pro bono lobbyist at Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc., for said respective decedents’ estates and their respective administrator.

    (My personal postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 131, GREENLAWN, NEW YORK 11740-0131.
    My independent business postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 327, JAMES A. FARLEY POST OFFICE BUILDING, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10116-0327.
    My primary and permanent residential address: 40 LANTERN STREET, HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743-4744.
    I currently secondarily temporarily resided (from October 31, 2009 to November 17, 2009) at the NEW YORK City (NYC) Department of Homeless Services' (DHS) 30th Street Men's Shelter (located at 400 East 30th Street, #430, Sixth Floor, Room 6E-14, Bed E104, New York NY 10016-8310, at the corner of East 30th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan between East 30th and East 29th Streets), currently temporarily residing (from November 17, 2009 until January 1, 2010, currently further extended until November 30, 2010) at the nyc dhs Barbara S. Kleiman Residence (NYC DHS in-house shelter code B020, located at 300 Skillman Avenue, Fourth Floor, Bed B69, Brooklyn NY 11211-1607, shelter’s main telephone number: 1-(718)-963-3800), all within NYC DHS's stricture via NYC DHS in-house HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009)).
    My United States federal Selective Service Number: 72-1799143-4.
    My New York State Department of Motor Vehicle (NYS DMV) Learner Permit Number: 307 230 833.
    I am a duly-sworn/affirmed and duly-commissioned Notary Public of the State of New York (registration number 01BR6014922, since October 19, 1998).
    I received a New York State Certification of Completion of Training in School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Certification in SAVE Training (permanently valid from February 26, 2003 onward). I also received a New York State Certification of Completion of Coursework/Training in Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (permanently valid from March 15, 2003 onward).
    My New York City Human Resources Administration’s/Department of Social Services’ (HRA/DSS, i.e., the NYC welfare department’s) case number 0008985923-01-01 / 0008985923F, via as a New York City public welfare recipient (on public welfare since February 16, 2010).)

    Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.
    Attention: Consultant and Registered Pro Bono Lobbyist Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr.
    Post Office Box 327
    James A. Farley Post Office Building
    New York NY 10116-0327

    RJB, Jr., N.P.
    (The following official firm (i.e., Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.’s) stationary was mailed via United States Postal Service (USPS) First-Class Mail via USPS's James A. Farley Main Office (located at 421 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10001-9998) on Friday, December 17, 2010 at 4:40 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST/E.S.T.).)

    December 16, 2010

    Central Government of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Office of the District Attorney of the County of Kings of the State of New York
    District Attorney of the County of Kings of the State of New York Charles J. Hynes
    Chief Assistant District Attorney of the County of Kings of the State of New York
    Amy P. Feinstein
    Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York Michael Rubens Bloomberg
    (hereinafter referred to as "Mikey")
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Health and Human Services Linda I. Gibbs
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Legal Affairs and Counsel to the Mayor of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Carol A. Robles-Román
    Corporation Counsel of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Michael A. Cardozo
    First Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Jeffrey Douglas Friedlander
    Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Seth W. Diamond
    First Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Fran Winter
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Administration Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Adult Services George Nashak
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Facility Maintenance and Development Robert Skallerup
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Security Services and Emergency Operations
    Michael Gagliardi
    Records Access Officer of the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Aaron Chaim Goodman
    Chief General Counsel for the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Michele Megan Ovesey
    Attention: Messrs. Charles J. Hynes, Michael A. Cardozo,
    Jeffrey Douglas Friedlander and Aaron Chaim Goodman, Ms. Amy P. Feinstein,
    the Honorable Mikey, Linda I. Gibbs and Carol A. Robles-Román, Commissioners
    Seth W. Diamond, Fran Winter, Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden, George Nashak,
    Robert Skallerup and Michael Gagliardi and Ms. Michele Megan Ovesey
    350 Jay Street, Tenth Floor
    Brooklyn, New York 11201-2902

    Re: Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr., personal United States federal Social Security Account Number (SSN) 122-72-2601 and New York City Department of Homeless Services' HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009). (Please note: all corrections are encased within brackets (“[]”). Also additionally please note: This particular written correspondence is directly responsive to the Thursday, December 16, 2010 e-mail response I and my firm received this morning at 9:13 AM EST from Mr. Goodman’s Records Access suboffice within DHS so I and my firm may receive the requested et al. records et al.)

    Dear Messrs. Hynes, Cardozo, Friedlander and Goodman, Ms. Feinstein, Mikey, Commissioner Diamond, General Counsel Ovesey et al. within et al. the New York City Department of Homeless Services (hereinafter referred to as "DHS") et al. excluding the New York City Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS):

    (Please note: the following correspondence will be electronically mailed to various United States federal Congressional officials with both Houses, the European Union and various media groups, organizations et al. and will be reported with my next-to-be-filled quarterly United States Congressional lobbying report.) Acting and speaking with ALL, ALL, ALL the authority, power, influence et al. vested in me via ALL, ALL, ALL my capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004 (court certificate number 17268), granted and issued by same Court on March 26, 2004) and as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004 (court certificate number 17269), granted and issued by same Court on March 18, 2004), I hereby request to see and receive official copies of each and every one of ALL, ALL, ALL my DHS [et al.] -authored, -handled et al. [written, verbal et al.] files, [, memoranda, notes, directives, orders et al. issued from above, within, without et al. DHS]. I would appreciate an official, on-the-record answering response to this much-wanted and much-needed query be mailed to me and my firm via my business post office box address.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mr. Robert J. Brassell, Jr., N.P.,
    acting within ALL, ALL, ALL my personal, professional AND AND OR ALL, ALL, ALL MY OTHER capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004, since March 26, 2004), as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004, since March 18, 2004) and the consultant and registered, pro bono lobbyist at Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc., for said respective decedents’ estates and their respective administrator.

    (My personal postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 131, GREENLAWN, NEW YORK 11740-0131.
    My independent business postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 327, JAMES A. FARLEY POST OFFICE BUILDING, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10116-0327.
    My primary and permanent residential address: 40 LANTERN STREET, HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743-4744.
    I currently secondarily temporarily resided (from October 31, 2009 to November 17, 2009) at the NEW YORK City (NYC) Department of Homeless Services' (DHS) 30th Street Men's Shelter (located at 400 East 30th Street, #430, Sixth Floor, Room 6E-14, Bed E104, New York NY 10016-8310, at the corner of East 30th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan between East 30th and East 29th Streets), currently temporarily residing (from November 17, 2009 until January 1, 2010, currently further extended until November 30, 2010) at the nyc dhs Barbara S. Kleiman Residence (NYC DHS in-house shelter code B020, located at 300 Skillman Avenue, Fourth Floor, Bed B69, Brooklyn NY 11211-1607, shelter’s main telephone number: 1-(718)-963-3800), all within NYC DHS's stricture via NYC DHS in-house HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009)).
    My United States federal Selective Service Number: 72-1799143-4.
    My New York State Department of Motor Vehicle (NYS DMV) Learner Permit Number: 307 230 833.
    I am a duly-sworn/affirmed and duly-commissioned Notary Public of the State of New York (registration number 01BR6014922, since October 19, 1998).
    I received a New York State Certification of Completion of Training in School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Certification in SAVE Training (permanently valid from February 26, 2003 onward). I also received a New York State Certification of Completion of Coursework/Training in Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (permanently valid from March 15, 2003 onward).
    My New York City Human Resources Administration’s/Department of Social Services’ (HRA/DSS, i.e., the NYC welfare department’s) case number 0008985923-01-01 / 0008985923F, via as a New York City public welfare recipient (on public welfare since February 16, 2010).)

    Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.
    Attention: Consultant and Registered Pro Bono Lobbyist Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr.
    Post Office Box 327
    James A. Farley Post Office Building
    New York NY 10116-0327

    RJB, Jr., N.P.
    (The following official firm (i.e., Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.’s) stationary was mailed via United States Postal Service (USPS) First-Class Mail via USPS's James A. Farley Main Office (located at 421 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10001-9998) on Friday, December 17, 2010 at 4:40 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST/E.S.T.).)

    December 16, 2010

    Central Government of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Office of the Council of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Speaker of the Council of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Christine Callaghan Quinn
    Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York Michael Rubens Bloomberg
    (hereinafter referred to as "Mikey")
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Health and Human Services Linda I. Gibbs
    Deputy Mayor of the City of New York of the State of New York for
    Legal Affairs and Counsel to the Mayor of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Carol A. Robles-Román
    Corporation Counsel of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Michael A. Cardozo
    First Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of New York of the State of New York
    Jeffrey Douglas Friedlander
    Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Seth W. Diamond
    First Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York Fran Winter
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Administration Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Adult Services George Nashak
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Facility Maintenance and Development Robert Skallerup
    Deputy Commissioner of Homeless Services of the City of New York of the
    State of New York for Security Services and Emergency Operations
    Michael Gagliardi
    Records Access Officer of the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Aaron Chaim Goodman
    Chief General Counsel for the Department of Homeless Services of the
    City of New York of the State of New York Michele Megan Ovesey
    Attention: [Madam Speaker Christine Callaghan Quinn, Mr.] Aaron Chaim Goodman, the
    Honorable Mikey, Linda I. Gibbs and Carol A. Robles-Román, Commissioners
    Seth W. Diamond, Fran Winter, Valerie A. Bynoe-Kasden, George Nashak,
    Robert Skallerup and Michael Gagliardi and Ms. Michele Megan Ovesey
    250 Broadway, 16th Floor
    New York, New York 10007-2594

    Re: Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr., personal United States federal Social Security Account Number (SSN) 122-72-2601 and New York City Department of Homeless Services' HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009). (Please note: all corrections are encased within brackets (“[]”). Also additionally please note: This particular written correspondence is directly responsive to the Thursday, December 16, 2010 e-mail response I and my firm received this morning at 9:13 AM EST from Mr. Goodman’s Records Access suboffice within DHS so I and my firm may receive the requested et al. records et al.)

    Dear [Madam Speaker Quinn, Mr.] Goodman, Mikey, Commissioner Diamond, General Counsel Ovesey et al. within et al. the New York City Department of Homeless Services (hereinafter referred to as "DHS") et al. excluding the New York City Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS):

    (Please note: the following correspondence will be electronically mailed to various United States federal Congressional officials with both Houses, the European Union and various media groups, organizations et al. and will be reported with my next-to-be-filled quarterly United States Congressional lobbying report.) Acting and speaking with ALL, ALL, ALL the authority, power, influence et al. vested in me via ALL, ALL, ALL my capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004 (court certificate number 17268), granted and issued by same Court on March 26, 2004) and as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004 (court certificate number 17269), granted and issued by same Court on March 18, 2004), I hereby request to see and receive official copies of each and every one of ALL, ALL, ALL my DHS [et al.] -authored, -handled et al. [written, verbal et al.] files, [, memoranda, notes, directives, orders et al. issued from above, within, without et al. DHS]. I would appreciate an official, on-the-record answering response to this much-wanted and much-needed query be mailed to me and my firm via my business post office box address.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mr. Robert J. Brassell, Jr., N.P.,
    acting within ALL, ALL, ALL my personal, professional AND AND OR ALL, ALL, ALL MY OTHER capacities, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY as the Delois Albert Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 176A2004, since March 26, 2004), as the Robert James Brassell Estate Administrator (via New York State Surrogate Court (Suffolk County) index number 177A2004, since March 18, 2004) and the consultant and registered, pro bono lobbyist at Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc., for said respective decedents’ estates and their respective administrator.

    (My personal postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 131, GREENLAWN, NEW YORK 11740-0131.
    My independent business postal/mailing address: POST OFFICE BOX 327, JAMES A. FARLEY POST OFFICE BUILDING, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10116-0327.
    My primary and permanent residential address: 40 LANTERN STREET, HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743-4744.
    I currently secondarily temporarily resided (from October 31, 2009 to November 17, 2009) at the NEW YORK City (NYC) Department of Homeless Services' (DHS) 30th Street Men's Shelter (located at 400 East 30th Street, #430, Sixth Floor, Room 6E-14, Bed E104, New York NY 10016-8310, at the corner of East 30th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan between East 30th and East 29th Streets), currently temporarily residing (from November 17, 2009 until January 1, 2010, currently further extended until November 30, 2010) at the nyc dhs Barbara S. Kleiman Residence (NYC DHS in-house shelter code B020, located at 300 Skillman Avenue, Fourth Floor, Bed B69, Brooklyn NY 11211-1607, shelter’s main telephone number: 1-(718)-963-3800), all within NYC DHS's stricture via NYC DHS in-house HA/H.A. number 8549265 (since October 30, 2009)).
    My United States federal Selective Service Number: 72-1799143-4.
    My New York State Department of Motor Vehicle (NYS DMV) Learner Permit Number: 307 230 833.
    I am a duly-sworn/affirmed and duly-commissioned Notary Public of the State of New York (registration number 01BR6014922, since October 19, 1998).
    I received a New York State Certification of Completion of Training in School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Certification in SAVE Training (permanently valid from February 26, 2003 onward). I also received a New York State Certification of Completion of Coursework/Training in Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (permanently valid from March 15, 2003 onward).
    My New York City Human Resources Administration’s/Department of Social Services’ (HRA/DSS, i.e., the NYC welfare department’s) case number 0008985923-01-01 / 0008985923F, via as a New York City public welfare recipient (on public welfare since February 16, 2010).)

    Process Handler et al. For Hire, Inc.
    Attention: Consultant and Registered Pro Bono Lobbyist Mr. Robert James Brassell, Jr.
    Post Office Box 327
    James A. Farley Post Office Building
    New York NY 10116-0327

    RJB, Jr., N.P.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Taveras, Jaimenys (HHS/OCR) (CTR)
    To: '[email protected]'
    Sent: Wed, Dec 22, 2010 4:00 pm
    Subject: The Office for Civil Rights

    Good Afternoon Mr. Brassel:

    We received a complainant from you via email on December 11, 2010. Unfortunately, your email is not legible.

    Please contact Ms. Jaime Taveras, the investigator assigned to your complaint at (212) 264-3656 to discuss your concerns.

    Thank you.

    Jaimenys A. Taveras
    Office for Civil Rights, Region II
    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
    26 Federal Plaza, Room 3312
    New York, New York 10278
    Direct: (212) 264-3656
    Facsimile: (212) 264-3039
    TDD: (212) 264-2355
    [email protected]

    The information contained in this message may be privileged and confidential. If you are NOT the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately with a copy to [email protected] and destroy this message.

    Please be aware that email communication can be intercepted in transmission or misdirected. Your use of email to communicate Protected Health Information or other information of a confidential nature to us indicates that you acknowledge and accept the possible risks associated with such communication. Please consider communicating any sensitive information by telephone, fax or mail. If you do no wish to have your information sent by email, please contact the sender immediately.

    I will be happy to respond to your query but to do so via email you must provide your consent, recognizing that email is not a secure form of communication. There is some risk that any protected health information or other information of a confidential nature that may be contained in such email may be disclosed to, or intercepted by, unauthorized third parties. I will use minimum necessary amount of protected health information to respond to your query.

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