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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Ben-Hur Parente
    DDB Brasil

    Comment No: 3999
    Date: 1/26/2010

    Comment Text:

    Jos6 Ben-Hur Parente
    Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7:47 AM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Good day,
    As a Forex trader, I would to inform that I am against the "Regulation of Retail Forex" which imposes new
    requirements on the US Forex Industry regarding the new leverage limits.
    I think that this regulation effectively prevents investors from evaluating their own appetite for risk and
    making personal investing decisions.
    Thanks for the record.
    Ben-Hur Parente
    A 0nica brasileira 4 vezes Agency of The Year, com 2 Grand Prix e 83 le(Ses em Cannes.
    [email protected]
    Work: 55 (11) 3054-9211
    Cell: 55 (11) 84474734
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