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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Wendy Lewis

    Comment No: 3932
    Date: 1/25/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Monday, January 25, 2010 9:58 PM
    Public Submission for 2010-00456
    Public Submission for
    Please refer to the attached file.Please Do Not Reply This Email.
    Public Comments on Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and
    Title: Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and Intermediaries
    FR Document Number: 2010-00456
    Legacy Document ID:
    RIN: null
    Publish Date: Wed Jan 20 00:00:00 EST 2010
    Submitter Info:
    first_name Wendy
    last name Lewis
    address1 19718 60th AVE NE
    city Kenmore
    country United States
    us state WA
    zip 98028
    I am quite concerned about the proposed change in the Forex leverage. I have just recently
    started working as a Forex Day-Trader to earn enough money to support my family. My
    husband, who supported us very well died suddenly about 18 months ago. I have been
    handicapped with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 25 years, so I can not go out and work. I have
    taken about $25,000 of the life insurance money and am using that to generate income to
    support my family through the Forex market.
    I have put in a lot of long hard hours learning the Forex market, but it is truly the only place
    that a person like me can earn an honest living - often from my bed because I can't get up
    due to stiffness and pain.
    Some days I'm up, some days I'm down (financially) but I am up overall and that is
    encouraging me to move on to become a better, wiser trader. I actually study more than I
    trade, but the overall result is beneficial to the bottom line.
    If the leverage changes to the proposed 10:1 I will not be able to make the money that I
    currently can and am making. The $25,000 that I have available is all l have, and I do not
    have the ability to go earn more. I can now earn several thousand each month from that,
    which we live on very nicely. By dropping the leverage I will only be able to earn a few
    hundred, which we can not live on at all.
    What kind of a job can I get to earn money when many days I can't even get out of bed due to
    pain and stiffness from RA?
    Instead of punishing everyone for the acts of a few, why not create a required education
    system and test to make sure those who are using the system know and understand what
    they are doing and the risk they are taking on?Thank you for your consideration of my situation, I am sure there are many others out there
    who are in a similar situation.
    Wendy Lewis, Ph.D.