Comment Text:
[email protected]
Monday, January 25, 2010 7:30 PM
Don't change de leveragge limit from 100 to 10
I'am a small new trader. I was working for a long time en DEMO accounts. And I learn to earn with forex with
Demo Accounts. I am beginig tu work in smal real account, to know how I can drive my emotions, and how
markets works in the real world.
The new rules to download de leveragge, may be good for banks, but not for us.
If leveragge es 10 it is imposible for me to work in this market. I'll see that rule as an attack to people who was not
responsabile from the financial crisis. We will be out of the market if you take that decition. Not the Banks.
Please, don't take that decition.
Forex, good or bad, is for us, a big expectation.
Sorry for my english
Ing. Jos6 Ignacio Pablo Gonzfilez