Comment Text:
Ivor Thomas
5531 N. Commercial Ave.
Portland, OR 97217-2339
March 24, 2011
David Stawick
Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581
Dear Mr. Stawick:
Hello Commissioner Stawick,
I deleted the boilerplate comments on this bulk email, which I'm sure nobody will read. But in the off chance, know that I strongly support going back to the original intent of commodities trading--to wit, to support and stabilize farmers and others at the mercy of unpredictable market forces. As I read in Matt Taibbi's book "Griftopia," the current commodity trading laws are a perversion and are being gamed by insiders.
This, and many other gross distortions in our financial fabric have to be changed ASAP.
Ivor Thomas