Comment Text:
John Edgar
TEXARKANA, AR 71854-7832
March 24, 2011
David Stawick
Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581
Dear Mr. Stawick:
As an American tax payer, I feel that I have the right to demand that the CFTC implement tough new rules to put an end to excessive commodities speculation. There's no need to bore you with the easily available facts that bring about this demand.
There are a few key people, in a few key positions, that can collectively pull this country back from the brink. You are one of those people! Think about it.....if you stay the current course, you will be of those directly responsible for the ruin that is ahead. If you can live with that legacy, then so be it.
John Edgar