Comment Text:
Richard Roberson
1536 Raymore Rd
Memphis, TN 38117-6728
March 25, 2011
David Stawick
Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581
Dear Mr. Stawick:
Dear Mr. Stawick,
It is my understanding that the CFTC is responsible for implementing rules on excessive speculation in the oil market which Congress recently passed.
I'm sure many who profit from this speculation want some rules that will still enable them to continue their speculations. It is the desire of the people of this country as expressed by their representatives that this speculation come to an end and bring an end to the increase of energy prices and the price of other commodities which are impacted by oil prices. Please enact regulations that will bring an end to this excessive speculation that is a burden on American citizens.
Richard Roberson