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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Christopher McCloskey

    Comment No: 3754
    Date: 1/25/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Monday, January 25, 2010 10:58 AM
    Public Submission for 2010-00456
    Public Submission for
    Please refer to the attached file.Please Do Not Reply This Email.
    Public Comments on Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and
    Title: Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and Intermediaries
    FR Document Number: 2010-00456
    Legacy Document ID:
    RIN: null
    Publish Date: Wed Jan 20 00:00:00 EST 2010
    Submitter Info:
    first_name Christopher
    last_name McCIoskey
    address1 195 Cliveden Drive
    city Newtown
    country United States
    us state PA
    zip 18940
    To NFT:
    I would ask you to please reconsider your plan to change the leverage maximums in Forex
    Trading from 100 to 1 down to 10 to 1. Should this new regulation go into affect it will
    dramatically affect my ability (and many traders like me) to be able to trade affectively. I
    believe the current maximum of 100 to 1 is fair and reasonable. Any careful trader is able to
    work within this ratio. However, to lower it will deeply affect "the little guy" and his ability to
    get ahead in Forex trading. I realize this new regulation may be meant to protect "the little
    guy" but in the end it deeply limit us.
    Also, I depend on my Forext trading to supplement my income and in these tough economic
    times ever dollar counts. A drastic drop in the leverage ratio to 10:1 may very well mean the
    end of this income stream for me and for many others.
    I deeply appreciate the job you do and there certainly is a need for regulation, however it
    would seem to me that this step you are considering may be that occassion where "over-
    regulation" becomes a real hindrance for the common man.
    Thank you for reading my point of view. May you exercise great wisdom in your decision.
    Christopher McCIoskey