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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From:

    Comment No: 37366
    Date: 3/25/2011

    Comment Text:

    Daniel Jensen
    7453 E. Nopal Avenue
    Mesa, AZ 85209-6261

    March 25, 2011

    David Stawick
    Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20581

    Dear Mr. Stawick:

    While the prepared text is to the point, I would rather address this issue personally. My family can't afford this crap anymore. I work for US Airways. I earn a modest income. My wife works for a vendor for US Airways, as does my son. The Airline industry has taken more than their fair share of hits because of those who would get exceedingly rich by breaking the backs of others.

    This has got to end. I believe in the free market, and I believe in capitalism. However, I also believe that there has to be some oversight to the marketplaces to ensure that no one individual or group is setting out to massacre the American Economy and kill the American household budget.

    In the last month I have lost virtually all of my discretionary funds to put gas in my tank and still keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Oil speculation led the economic crisis two years ago when I lost my house, and it's going to do it again unless those empowered; YOU; do something about it.

    You are an employee of the taxpayers. The taxpayers are the government.
    Do what your employer expects, not what a select few might be pressuring you to do. The Wall Street Journal indicates that there is absolutely no shortage of oil. All of the energy fluctuation is a result of uncontrolled specultation. It is my expectation that you will exercise the power given you and control it.

    Very Respectfully Yours,


    Daniel Jensen

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